Aparate de măsură și control a rețelei electrice de împușcare (ohmmetru).

In order to achieve a safe start and prevent failures, it is necessary to check the electrical firing circuits with regards to continuity and magnitude of the resistance before they are connected to the starting source.

Devices for controlling the continuity of shooting circuits are used to check the current flow. These devices only check whether the electrical circuit is closed or not. If the device does not indicate the continuity of the circuit, it means that it is interrupted and then the circuit sections are checked until the fault is detected.

For the verification of the ohmic resistance of the circuit, respectively for the continuity of the circuit, ohmmeters intended for this purpose and certified are used.



Seismograph with automatic recording of parameters that characterize seismic waves.

The recommended interval for calibrating most equipment, including seismographs, is of one year. In most parts of North America and many parts of Europe, regulators require seismographs to be calibrated annually. This requirement has been or is being adopted by many other countries in the world, and certain projects require seismographs to be calibrated every three or six months.

Calibration is important so that the instrument works the way it was designed to and directly measure the actual ground vibration and blast of the explosion. Although seismographs are designed for use on rough terrain, they are still sophisticated electronic monitoring devices. Thus, preventive maintenance becomes an important part of the annual calibration process.

Anumite modele de seismografe sunt concepute cu geofon, microfon și unitate de achiziție a datelor calibrate ca sistem. În general, acest lucru permite întregului sistem să fie calibrat cu mai multă precizie. Însă, limitarea instrumentelor care sunt calibrate prin această metodă este dată de faptul ca geofonul și microfonul se potrivesc cu unitatea de achiziție a datelor, iar senzorii nu pot fi schimbați cu cei ai altor instrumente, chiar dacă sunt același model al aceluiași producator, fără a scădea precizia totală.

Alte modele de seismografe pot avea geofonul, microfonul și unitatea de achiziție a datelor calibrate ca ansambluri independente. Este în interesul dumneavoastră ca seismograful să fie calibrat de producătorul respectiv sau agenții săi autorizați.

Also, if a seismograph needs repairs, the manufacturer has the necessary experience and knowledge to identify and solve the problem. It will also ensure that any spare part used meets the specifications of the equipment. Unauthorized institutions do not have access to test specifications, procedures or spare parts lists, so they may use alternative spare parts that do not meet the functional requirements.