Anul 10 pentru Nitro Nobel Group (1/21/2020) - Astăzi sărbătorim cu mândrie 10 ani de când am lansat compania Nitro Nobel Group! Se împlinesc 10 ani de când am pornit dintr-un apartament cu două camere care găzduia doi oameni pasionați de domeniul explozivilor, urmând, de-a lungul anilor, să fim prezenți în trei orașe diferite: București, Cluj și Deva. Deși putem considera că suntem… ...Citeste mai mult
Invatam, inovam si ne bucuram de rezultate! (12/14/2018) - Un an plin de provocari, in care am invatat, am investit si ne-am consolidat echipa, aceastea sunt reperele activitatii Nitro Nobel Group in 2018. ...Citeste mai mult
EFEE Newsletter 2018-02 (4/12/2018) - Dear EFEE members, the President´s voice It is the New Year 2018, which means a lot of new beginnings and some old ones, which still needs to be worked on. Doing something better certainly should feature on our list - of New Year resolutions. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my best… ...Citeste mai mult
EFEE has new National Association Member (2/1/2017) - Romanian Association of Explosives and Blasting Engineering EFEE has new National Association Member - Romanian Association of Explosives and Blasting Engineering European Federation of Explosives Engineers (EFEE) has received on 23rd of September 2015 application for National Association Membership from the newly established Romanian Association of Explosives and Blasting Engineering (abbreviation ARDE). Board of EFEE… ...Citeste mai mult
PECCS – blast designers (1/29/2017) - Pan-European Competency Certificate for Shot firers/ blast designers For two years, on behalf of EFEE, Voglers Eesti from Estonia among with 7 other partners from Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Germany, United Kingdom, Czech Republic (who was later replaced by Romania) and France tried to get funding from EU Erasmus + program in Estonia. The purpose of… ...Citeste mai mult
Newsletter EFEE 2017-12 (1/8/2017) - Dear EFEE members, the president's voice Somehow we have arrived at the last month of this year as well as at the last issue of our EFEE Newsletter to you for this year. Time is running very quickly and let's stop it for a while and briefly summarize the most important events in our federation… ...Citeste mai mult


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