Anul 10 pentru Nitro Nobel Group

Astăzi sărbătorim cu mândrie 10 ani de când am lansat compania Nitro Nobel Group!

Se împlinesc 10 ani de când am pornit dintr-un apartament cu două camere care găzduia doi oameni pasionați de domeniul explozivilor, urmând, de-a lungul anilor, să fim prezenți în trei orașe diferite: București, Cluj și Deva.

Deși putem considera că suntem o firmă matură, la Nitro Nobel încă avem efervescența unui business fresh și dinamic unde creativitatea și pasiunea au prioritate în fața oricăror provocări pe care le-am întâmpinat.

Pentru noi, echipa a fost mereu pe primul loc, reușind să ne extindem și să
îmbunătățim calitatea serviciilor noastre. Evoluția și dinamica echipei a fost accelerată; acest lucru ne-a permis să ne dezvoltăm, să lansăm un nou brand (Nitro Nobel Security) și să oferim noi servicii.

Am creat și am susținut această organizație pentru a da ceva înapoi din ceea ce am învățat și pentru a lăsa ceva în urma noastră.

Nu credem că ne-am născut cu un noroc extraordinar, în acești ani s-au adunat multă muncă, renunțări și sacrificii, dar am devenit câștigători prin învățătură (educație), răbdare (nimic nu se creează de pe o zi pe alta), talent (pentru că nu am avut resurse financiare pentru a aduce langă noi cei mai buni oameni ai momentului, am preferat să luam oameni apropiați de valorile noastre și să îi formăm, oferindu-le multă încredere și cursuri).

Au fost momente de incertitudine, dar incertitudinea nu poate și nu trebuie susținută la infinit, pentru că devine un blocaj.

Ne place să spunem că Nitro Nobel este caracterizat de pasiune, personalitate și încredere.
Pasiune – pentru companie, pentru cum ne simțim când suntem la job.
Personalitate – ne asumăm deciziile (nu tot timpul cele mai comode).
Încredere – să ne impunem, să fim trendsetter în piață.

Nitro Nobel suntem NOI – aflați acum la 10 ani de existență.

Mergem mai departe cu bucurie,
Mihaela Carată & Doru Anghelache

EFEE Newsletter 2018-02

Dear EFEE members, the President´s voice It is the New Year 2018, which means a lot of new beginnings and some old ones, which still needs to be worked on. Doing something better certainly should feature on our list – of New Year resolutions. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my best New Year wishes to all of you – our National Associations, Corporate members, Individual members, Honorary members as well as to our so far two Student members, to have a good and successful year 2018.

In this year our federation is going to have some very important and challenging events, so please let me briefly describe and summarize those events for you. We are really very happy that since the beginning of August 2016, when we noted very good news from Sweden and our application for PECCS project application (Pan-European Competency Certificate for Shotfirers/ Blast designers by European Federation of Explosives Engineers) was approved for funding, the project moves steadily ahead as scheduled. The project has 8 partners: Estonia, Sweden, Norway, Portugal, Germany, United Kingdom, Romania and France. An official website of this project,, was also created, this is where you can find out all the relevant and important details. At the same time we have written a letter to all National Associations, about the PECCS project regarding the future of the explosives shotfirer certifications in the European Union, in the hope of their support. The outcomes of this project are: learning materials with examining questions, exercises, a course based on these materials and an online learning program which will be available on the internet for free on

The PECCS project will complete a course with training means, which consists of about 1000 text sheets, pictures and drawings, exercises and an exam. The first test course for this materials already took place in Stockholm, Sweden, with the help from the PECCS contractor (BEF) between 11th -15th of December 2017.

The next test courses will be organized in France, Paris (23rd – 27th April, 2018) and in Germany, Dresden, (10-14th Sept, 2018). For authorities, who are issuing blasting certificates in Europe today and for the teachers/instructors, who are training blasters today, there will be no attendance fee for the test courses. All participants will receive a certificate of attendance. For registration to any of our test courses, or for more information, please visit project website or contact us over the following email,

The autumn Council meeting for EFEE will take place on 7th and 8th September in Dresden, Germany to celebrate and commemorate the 30 years of EFEE. The reason to choose Germany for hosting this very important event for our federation is quite simple. EFEE was founded on 20th October 1988 in Aachen, Germany. Five nations were represented at this day for founding EFEE: Finland (Raimo Vuolio), the Netherlands (Henk Grünfeld and Joep Peeters), Switzerland (Didier Fardel and Hans Gysin), UK (Ken Broadhurst and Mike Groves) and Germany with nearly the complete board of the German association. After long discussions regarding the English name of the organization, with suggestions as “European Explosives Engineering Institute”, the name was finally decided to be the present name “European Federation of Explosives Engineers” (EFEE). Besides the regular EFEE Board meetings, Council meetings and Annual General Meeting scheduled for this year, our federation participates also on meetings of Notified Bodies for Explosives as well as on meetings of Explosives Working Group. EFEE is regularly represented on both types of meetings by Jörg Rennert who makes a great work for our federation. I´m very delighted to introduce you the first issue of EFEE Newsletter in this year. Please do not finish reading our Newsletter with my foreword but kindly continue to read – all the interesting articles are prepared especially for you in this Newsletter.

Igor Kopal, President of EFEE

Vezi intregul continut

EFEE has new National Association Member

Romanian Association of Explosives and Blasting Engineering

EFEE has new National Association Member – Romanian Association of Explosives and Blasting Engineering European Federation of Explosives Engineers (EFEE) has received on 23rd of September 2015 application for National Association Membership from the newly established Romanian Association of Explosives and Blasting Engineering (abbreviation ARDE). Board of EFEE has approved this application on its meeting held in Barcelona on 25th of September. It does not happen so often that we welcome new National Association Member in EFEE therefore we would like to present our new member.

In Romania was missing a National Association unifying explosive users, blasters and blasting engineers. The idea to establish Romanian Association appeared in autumn 2010. It took a long time to form this association. Starting with 30th of July the Romanian Association of Explosives and Blasting Engineering is considered formally registered by legal authorities and acts in accordance with its Statute. The aims of ARDE are as following:

• The Romanian Association of Explosives and Blasting Engineers (ARDE) is established and operates for the uniform representation of interests of its members in the non commercial relations between them and the central and local authorities in Romania as well as the international authorities, directly involved in the process of manufacturing, preparation, sales and use of industrial explosives, for joining the main operators in the field in Romania.
• Promotion of standardization and harmonization of training regarding explosives
• This includes preparation of standard requirements for training on conducting blasting work: underground mine blasting, surface mine blasting (cast mining), and special blasting work such as blasting for demolition, underwater blasting, blasting in forestry and agriculture, ice and frozen land blasting etc.
• Supports all efforts of EFEE (European Federation of Explosives Engineers) regarding the issuance of a European certificate of authorized blaster, including partnership with EFEE and other affiliated National Associations to attract European funds for this purpose.
• Develop and implement a national and international information system with regard to explosive engineering programs proposed by the Association to facilitate communication with the target group.
• Organize conferences, seminars, congresses, workshops, courses, in order to promote the work and the novelties in the field, including training courses in order to be authorized as a blaster. The Association hopes to achieve these goals, as it seeks to improve the existing conditions of the market. We are encouraging the main actors pertaining to the explosive field to join the ARDE in the next period of time in order to become an active voice in the light of the future changes of national legislation expected in 2016.

More information about ARDE on the website:

Igor Kopal, Vice President of EFEE Chairman of marketing and membership committee

Doru Anghelache President, Romanian Association of Explosives and Blasting Engineering

PECCS – blast designers

Pan-European Competency Certificate for Shot firers/ blast designers

For two years, on behalf of EFEE, Voglers Eesti from Estonia among with 7 other partners from Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Germany, United Kingdom, Czech Republic (who was later replaced by Romania) and France tried to get funding from EU Erasmus + program in Estonia. The purpose of the project is to put together a modernised learning program for a new EFEE Shot firer and Blast Designer Certificate.

Since the process for the grant application started, EFEE has stopped issuing certificates for shot firers and blast designers. The certificates were going for 5 years.


That was an old version of EFEE certificate, which was based on the national certificates that a person already had. It was just for confirmation that the person had gone through an education in one of the EFEE member countries.

This new certificate will be based on a learning program created by EFEE and the member countries. The learning program and the lessons will eventually be available in all national languages as well as the examination that the applicant has to pass to get a Pan-European Competency Certificate for Shot firers/ blast designers by EFEE.

The certificate will be designed to prove ones technical skills and knowledge of the shot firer profession in order to enable workers to move across the borders within EU without essential courses and payments except for learning the local law.

After the second negative decision for getting the grant, the partners were not really ready to give up on the mission. A small review was conducted to understand why wouldn’t the project be funded and it was decided that Estonia was just a too small country with not enough money to spare between different projects. Fortunately BEF from Sweden was ready to help. We thought of a plan B and decided to take the Project, modify it according to suggestions made by Swedish Erasmus bureau and represent it in Sweden instead of Estonia. The third is the charm, the result was positive.

The Project has now granted a support from the European Commission. The Grant Agreement has been signed by both sides, the Swedish UHR bureau and BEF. The official start of the project will be September 2016. It will last for three years. During this time the partners from the 8 countries will work together to create a modernised learning program that will result in a new Pan-European Competency Certificate for Shot firers and blast designers issued by EFEE. In order to do that, we use the materials composed in Power Point program, which were put together by different authors in Europe within the ESSEEM project in 2008 to 2010, under the leadership of The Norwegian Tunnelling Association (NFF). The project was mainly financed by EC through the Norwegian Leonardo da Vinci program. NFF reorganized the ESSEEM Power Point Programs in 2012 and presented it in Zandvoort, Netherlands in 2013 where teachers and representatives from 24 European countries were present. That audience expressed that they wanted EFEE to continue with the education project.

As the time has moved on, these materials need to be updated and modernised now. There are 6 chapters at the moment and the 7th, about tunnelling, will be written form scratch. We will write exercises and exams to every chapter, then we will transfer this package to an online course program. All this will be done mainly during the first year of the project, except for the online course.

In the second year we will already start trying out the training means and the education methods in test courses. In order to reach out to more people and make the courses more available all over Europe, we use the online course, which will work like an Open University formula, but shorter in time and simplified systems for users. This way of learning will also after some time give possibility to gain the Certificate for those who cannot travel much. In order to have good quality and credibility, it is planned to renew and evaluate the courses and the training materials by specialists every third year.

The outcomes of this project: the materials with examining questions, exercises, the course based on these materials and the online courses, will during and also after the project period be available on the internet for free on In order to maintain a good quality and appropriate educational outcome of the courses we will create a Guidebook based on the learning material for trainers and shot firers who want to learn independently online, this will be our task for the second and third year. The examining questions and courses will be tested and validated by specialists before the end of the project. Those who successfully pass exams after they have followed the course, can apply for a Pan-European Competency Certificate issued by EFEE.

Meanwhile all the partners work in cooperation to spread the word of our goals and the work we are doing. The more organisations support our work, the better will be the outcome of the project and the more there will the benefits for the blasting industry in over all.

If you want to learn more about the project please visit the European Commission website-link. A Multiplier event for the project will take place in October 2018 in Germany, when the courses are ready for public testing. The PECCS management, the Partners and the Board of EFEE will ask for specialists and authorities and everyone who takes interest to attend the Multiplier event to meet the project, get to know our goals and try the online program.

Information about progress and materials used in the PECCS project can be found in the official web site, the website will be created during September and October 2016.

Viive Tuuna
Member of the Board,